Image uploaded by RSU 19 Adult Education

Technical writing is a highly coveted professional skill that involves absorbing technical information and then communicating it through a document that is tailored to a specific audience, usually to inform, instruct, or persuade. This introductory course will explain what technical writing is and what technical writers do, exploring the tools, techniques, and strategies they employ. It will also guide you through the technical writing process, from initial plans to final revisions.

Use this link to register: 


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The World of Work Inventory (WOWi) is a comprehensive career assessment instrument, which has been carefully constructed to help a person learn the most about him or herself in relation to the wide variety of occupations available. The WOWi provides a personalized profile for each person. As a result, you will receive a listing of occupations most suitable to your unique combination of personality, interests and skills.

Free, call for link to take the online assessment then meet with the career counselor to interpret the career reports.

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Rise Up Retail Credential

with National Retail Federation , Marshwood Adult & Community Education

Price not available More Info

These 4 retail certifications designed by the National Retail Federation are offered in a blended learning format using an online platform and retail professionals. These courses offer career opportunities in partnership with Kittery Trading Post and other retailers who will pay for their employees to take the training. Eligible adult education students can take one r all four courses for free.

Choose from:

• Retail Fundamentals

• Customer Service and Sales

• Business of Retail: Operations and Profit

• Warehouse Inventory and Logistics

Open enrollment, sign up on the website or call for more information

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Basic Computer Skills Assessment

with Northstar Testing and Training, York Adult Education

Price not available More Info

This comprehensive assessment will let you know if you have the computer skills you need to be successful in school, work, and home. After testing, if you need to improve your skills, we can help you design a learning plan, either in a class, or in personalized lessons.

Class has begun
Image uploaded by Houlton/Hodgdon Adult & Community Education

Electrical Class for Beginners

with Michael Harvey, Houlton/Hodgdon Adult & Community Education


April 8th to May 13th, 2025

$150 More Info

Electrical Class for Beginners Flyer

April 8 to May 13, 2025  (No class on April 22nd during school vacation.)

5 Sessions, Tuesday evenings from 5pm to 8pm.

Minimum of 7 students needed to run the class.

This class could also be for more than just personal entrichment. Electricians are in high demand.  Could this be a career pathway for you?Start with the basics, learn the tools and the trade, and advance your skills.

Prepay is Required:  Cash/check or online thru Adult Ed Course Storm.

There may be sponsors that will help pay for the class.  Give us a call at 538-3191 ext 0362 and we'll try and help find a sponsor.


Waiting list available